Youtube is one of my favorite channels. You type in base jumping and get a million or more videos on the topic. One could spend a whole day on Youtube just watching videos that pertain to base jumping. Videos are awsome! A great way to see some live action! But to take it deeper and really be compelled by not just the sport but the characters who tackle these endeavours one would really need to watch a film. There are short films and such on Youtube and those are great. Adventure films are great! They range from high budget hollywood blockbusters to short videos taken on a cam corder. Some are fictional stories and some are true stories. To really bring these epic sports to life here are some of my favorite adventure films and why I like them.
"Touching the Void"-True story: Accounts two alpine style climbers in the Andes Mountains. First attempt of the west face of the Siula Grande in the Peruvian Andes. The ascent goes smoothly but on the way down is when they run into trouble. BIG TROUBLE! Great display of what the human body and soul will do to survive. The two actual climbers talk about the ordeal while a reenactment is played by actors portraying the ordeal. Very entertaining and very inspirational. Teaches great life skills! When you think you can't survive any longer, you can always find a way. This film really hits home on that. Check it out!
Duration: 106 min.
Rating: R; heavy language and some grotesque scenes
2Siula Grande
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